It's not a GFCI or AFCI.. It's a COSMIC Breaker!

"The Only Carbon Monoxide-Smoke Interrupting Circuit!"

Equip Your Appliances with Continuous Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide, Smoke and Other Airborne Toxins

1 in 3 Homes Have Carbon Monoxide Problems

After attending hundreds of property inspections, with dozens of inspection companies, we found that approximately 1 in 3 properties has carbon monoxide problems due to roof replacements, faulty installations, appliance malfunction and/or electrical issues. Many don't know the risks modern electronics and appliances cause for countless property owners, and roof installers seldom reattach vent stacks inside the structures.

Commercial, Industrial, and Residential. 

Automatic Protection From Hazardous Gases

Our revolutionary system automatically powers off devices and diverts power to safety systems when hazardous gases are detected. Notifications can be made about airborne threats & notify emergency responders while providing power restoration options.  We help you gain control of the flow of power from the breaker, through the wall, to the appliance.

Maximize Sales & Safety With Cosmic Breaker Licensing

Expand your company product offerings.  Incorporate Cosmic Breaker's Toxic Gas, Smoke/Carbon Monoxide detection & evacuation system into your products. Start adding an innovative and lifesaving solution to your customers. With our advanced microprocessor and sensor technology, you can expand sales & deliver products with enhanced safety and security. Join us in our mission to create a safer world and eliminate more greenhouse gasses.

Cosmic Breaker's reach extends throughout entire structures, including bay doors, the garage, warehouses, utility closets, breaker panels, HVAC, and beyond. The system has also expanded to the automotive industry, providing protection through your OBD Port, from carbon monoxide poisoning in boats, vehicles, police cars, and other enclosed spaces with generators. Wherever there is a generator or enclosed space, Cosmic Breaker is necessary.   

It currently takes multiple categories of products to do what COSMIC Breaker does.   We are more than an alarm, we are more than a breaker, we are more than a switch, we are more than an app, we are more than a ventilation system.  We are all-in-one and should be in every structure.

My patents are unique because they terminate power automatically to specified electrical circuits and appliances (like a GFCI), in ways nobody has ever considered.

What problems do we solve?

  1)  Reduces CO / Smoke Inhalation and low-grade poisoning.

  2) Early notifies users of problems that would ordinarily go undetected, or unidentified.

  3) Potentially prevents years of Doctor visits and misdiagnosis for lack of information relating to leaks that current detectors don't identify.

  4) Stops the flow of electricity to specific appliances, and in structures when appliances fail, and while electrical systems are operating as intended.  (Search "Grenfell Tower Fire Cause")

  5)  Too many to list.

COSMIC BREAKER can power ON alternate circuits for ventilation while notifying users of impending threats to the air quality, while improving air quality in structures, thus extending the time for survival in fires. 

In residential and commercial applications, National inspection codes require high and low combustion air ventilation locations at all gas-fueled water heaters and HVAC systems, but CO and other toxic gasses often have a specific gravity common to the air we breath, meaning they don't rise nor do the gasses fall.  The gasses require the activation of forced ventilation rather than passive ventilation, and NOBODY does this.


1)  Your current HVAC air returns will currently operate and circulate CO and smoke through all your air ducts without any notification to you (if they are present), thus poisoning you in any of the rooms in any structure that should be unaffected at the inception of any fire, gas-leak, or accident.  With COSMIC Breaker, when those gasses or smoke approaches the air-return, signals go to your phone, texts are sent, power ceases to your blower motors, and your Alarm System can (if programmed), call the authorities.   This reduces the cost of damages in fires, potentially saving on insurance rates while saving lives (especially for children, handicapped and indigent who can't get themselves out easily).

2) In your garage, COSMIC Breaker can be installed on the eye-sensor light-wire.  When excess gasses are identified, the eye sensor light can automatically turn off, and our universal remote can trigger to force the door open for ventilation, while simultaneously notifying you and authorities of the problem.  While reducing suicides is a factor, numerous automakers are currently being sued for the defective push-button start and stop feature in the automotive industry. Yes, automobiles are staying on even when users attempt to turn them off.   This revolutionizes the notification systems and can not only be installed on the eye-sensor lights, but also can be an easy retrofit on any OBD2 port in any vehicle with diagnostics.  Nobody does this.

3) In Laundry rooms across the country, approximately 20,000 home fires each year are started by dryers.  We can automatically terminate the power to your dryer, back at the circuit breaker-panel.  Nobody does this.

We have many more examples of unique applications, and uses for COSMIC Breaker that have the full support of Fire Marshalls, EMT's,  Doctors, First Responders and more.  They want and need this technology, but we are creating a new industry. 

This is the next step beyond GFCI and AFCI protection.  COSMIC BREAKER.

I deeply and sincerely appreciate your time. 

With the deepest respect, 

Dan Combe, Founder of COSMIC BREAKER.  You can also send an email to my gmail account at "MyCosmicBreaker".

TEXT:   (817)800-0007 

Cosmic Breaker: Revolutionizing Airborne Hazard Protection

Power Off & Divert: Ultimate Protection against CO, Smoke and More

Hazard Dissipated: Return Power with Cosmic Breaker

Did You Know? 

Traditional battery-operated devices check air quality every 15 minutes, Our hard-wired air monitoring technology provides constant protection for lives and property and it's equipped with smart technology to remedy the crisis and even signal emergency responders. Schedule a time to speak with Dan